ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid . ArtByHamid .
Art by Hamid
1. All paintings are priced in Ringgit Malaysia.
2. Once agreed, payment must be made via online banking or online money transfer to an account to be informed by the seller.
3. Price of painting indicated does not include insurance and delivery charges. It may vary from destination to destination.
4. Delivery will be made by a courier company. Actual delivery charges, plus the price of the painting/s will be made known once interest is confirmed, and the buyer will have to make immediate payment.
5. Seller will inform the buyer of payment details, i.e. Bank Account no. to be paid to, and collection address, if the buyer so wishes to personally collect the artworks. No delivery charges will be imposed if the buyer personally collects artwork.
6. Delivery will be initiated after full payment is received. Buyer will be informed via WhatsApp or email accordingly.
Artist: Abdul Hamid Mohamed
Hp: 0123302611
FB: Abdul Hamid Mohamed
IG: a.hamid.mohamed